Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (2024)

Learn how to beat Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.

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List of Contents

  • Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances
  • Best Equipment and Items for Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
  • How to Beat Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
  • Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Carves and Rewards
  • Quests Where Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Appears
  • Related Links

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness, Body Parts, and Resistances

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Characteristics

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (4)
BigLowNoneNoneEffluvial Buildup
Breakable Parts
Head, Torso, Left Foreleg, Right Foreleg, Tail

Locations and Areas Visited

MapStarting AreaVisited AreasRest Spot
Rotten Vale89 / 10 / 12 / 1416

*The starting location may change depending on the Quest.

Weakness, Body Parts, Extracts



Head [Broken]








Stomach [Broken]




Back [Broken]










Tail Tip


Higher values indicate higher damage.

Vulnerability to Status Effects and Items

Poison Flash ★★
Paral Shock
Sleep Pitfall
Stun ★★ Ivy
Blast ★★ Dung
Exhaust Meat
Mount Screamer

All Monster Guides

Best Equipment and Items for Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak is no longer a threat in MHW Iceborne. But to be able to fell the Elderdragon in an easier manner, we listed all the necessary tips items, skills, and even sample armor builds to help you out against the Arch-Tempered Elder Dragon.

Best Skills

Effluvia Resistance Without this skill, it is possible for you to get carted even with a good MR gear setup. This skill prevents AT Vaal Hazak from halving your max HP.
Tool Specialist This is a great skill to have (much better if the secret is unlocked) to be able to spam those Health Boosters and Temporal Mantles.

Always wall slam the Daora for free downs, this will also open up opportunities to hit the head resulting in more downs (which we invested more skills for that time window instead of a QOL skill that won't even be used half the fight).

Best Weapons

Fire Elemental Weapon Despite having 3 star weakness to both dragon and fire, Dragon actually doesn't work on unbroken parts. Make sure to bring fire weapons if you rely on elemental damage.
Weapons with Long Reach Weapons like the Lance is great against AT Vaal Hazak. It allows you to snipe hard to target parts like the tail with ease.

Sample Armor Loadout

Weapon Decorations
Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (6)Shattering Flames II Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2Augment:Recovery
Armor Decorations
Head Silver Solhelm Beta + Miasma Jewel+ 4Shaver Jewel 3
Armor Silver Solmail Beta + Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4
Greaves Silver Solbraces Alpha + Sprinter/Expert Jewel 4Sharp Jewel 2
Waist Silver Solcoil Beta + Blaze Jewel+ 4Miasma Jewel 1
Legs Garuga Greaves Beta + Expert Jewel+ 4 Tenderizer Jewel 2x2
Charm Blaze Charm III none

Sample Build Skill List

Critical Eye 7 Fire Attack 5
Windproof 3 Critical Boost 3
Weakness Exploit 3 Marathon Runner 3
Slinger Capacity 3 Effluvia Resistance 3
Protective Polish Clutch Claw Boost
Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (7) This is a modified Critical Silversol Build. We added in some Effluvia Resist to mitigate the Vaal Hazak's Effluvia aura. This will prevent you from losing your HP. The Health Augment will also keep your HP up allowing you to keep the offensive.

Best Mantles

Temporal Mantle Easy way to dodge its attacks and it also allows you to flinch shot Daora much easier.
Health Booster The most annoying part about fighting Vaal Hazak is its Effluvia. Not only does it halve your HP, it also does a steady amount of DoT. The HP debuff can be countered by Effluvia Resistance but the only way to counter its DoT is to outsustain it.

Best Items

Max Potion Instant full healing.
Ancient Potion More instant full healing.
Nulberry If for somereason, you don't want to run Effluvia Resistance, make sure to at least bring Nulberries with you. A single pop will allow your health to return to its normal state but the HP removed will still need to be recovered.

Best Felyne and Palico Skills, Weapons, and Gadgets

Vigorwasp Spray More healing to counter Vaal Hazak's DoT.
Felyne Insurance/Safeguard More Cart limit.
Felyne Moxie Allows you to survive a single lethal hit. Just make sure that you're away from Velkhana when the attack hits or not in an area with Effluvia or the damage tick will kill you. Not as recommended as Safeguard.

How to Beat Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Tips
・Effluvia Resistance is essential・Use the collapsable rocks in the first area・Avoid using Rocksteady Mantle

Building Effluvia Resistance

Since Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak covers himself with effluvia it is highly recommended that you build up your Effluvia Resistance to avoid taking chip damage and reducing your maximum health in half.
However, if you do not have any gears that can build up your Effluvia Resistance, you can rely on using Nullberry to counter any negative effects from the effluvia.

Using the Collapsable Rocks

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (8)

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (9)

There are two collapsable rocks in area 14 that you can utilize to deal massive damage to Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak. Using these rocks will not only take a huge chunk of Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak's health but it can also stun him for a few seconds giving you an opportunity to attack.

Using Rocksteady Mantle

Many of Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak's attacks can hit multiple times and it can instantly kill you if you are wearing a Rocksteady Mantle. Some of Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak's attacks can hit you multiple times until you cart, it is best to avoid using Rocksteady Mantle since it will prevent you from being blown away after taking the initial hit.

Miasma Breath

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (10)
Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak's miasma breath attack can cover the area which can be deadly if you are not wearing any Effluvia Resistance. Be sure to move away from the cloud and only engage when you are sure that it is safe to attack.

Moving to the Sides

Miasma Breath covers a large cone-shaped area in front of Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak, immediately move to Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak's sides to keep on attacking and to remain aggressive while avoiding damage from the miasma.

Changing Targets

・Attack the Head and the Tail at the beginning of the quest・You can reduce the amount of miasma around a body part after dealing a certain amount of damage・Breaking a body part will significantly reduce the amount of miasma in that area・Amount of miasma increases when Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak roars or enrages

Which Part to Focus

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (11)
Once you start the hunt, Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak will cover his whole body with miasma except for the head and the tail. Focus on attacking these parts and destroy them immediately to prevent Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak from releasing miasma on these parts.

Reducing The Miasma

Dealing a certain amount of damage to a body part will greatly reduce the amount of miasma that Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak can release. If Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak manages to cover his head and tail with miasma, it is best that you focus on attacking the legs instead since they are the easiest part that you can reach with most of the melee weapons available.

Changing Patterns

・Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak will only use the enhanced miasma breath when his body is covered with miasma.・Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak will move faster with less miasma around his body

If the amount of miasma that covers Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak decreases, there is a higher probability that he will perform a quick counter-attack.

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Attack Patterns

Attack Attack Power Guardable Exhaustion
Forward Bite 90 80
Lean Attack 75 50
Bite Rush 70 80
Headbutt 60 30
Swivel Bite 65 30
Scratch 50 30
Scratch and Bite 60 30
Tail Attack and Bite 60 30
Rush 80 50
Miasma 0 X 0
Miasma Breath 60 Guard Up 30
Enhanced Miasma Breath 110 Guard Up 60
Leaning Miasma Breath 110 Guard Up 60

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Carves and Rewards

Carvings and Hunt Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
HRVaal Hazak Tail / Body 8, Tail 75
Vaal Hazak Fang+ / Body 8
Deceased Scale / Body 32, Tail 22
Vaal Hazak Carapace / Body 24
Vaal Hazak Gem / Body 2, Tail 3
Vaal Hazak Talon / Body 15
Vaal Hazak Wing / Body 11

Rewards for Each Body Part

Obtain Rate (%)
HRVaal Hazak Wing / Torso 70
Vaal Hazak Fang+ / Head 66
Vaal Hazak Membrane / Head 32, Torso 30
Vaal Hazak Gem / Head 2
Vaal Hazak Talon / Both Legs 80
Vaal Hazak Carapace / Both Legs 20

Shiny Drops

Obtain Rate (%)
Vaal Hazak Membrane / 50
Deceased Scale / 28
Old Dragon Treasure / 22

Quest Clear & Investigation Rewards

Obtain Rate (%)
Elder Dragon Bone / 8
Vaal Hazak Carapace / 24
Deceased Scale / 19
Vaal Hazak Wing / 14
Vaal Hazak Talon / 13
Elder Dragon Blood / 12
Vaal Hazak Membrane / 10
Vaal Hazak Gem / 6
Vaal Hazak Tail / 4
Vaal Hazak Wing / 17
Vaal Hazak Talon / 16
Vaal Hazak Fang+ / 15
Vaal Hazak Carapace / 12
Deceased Scale / 10
Vaal Hazak Membrane / 10
Deceased Scale / 8
Vaal Hazak Wing / 16
Vaal Hazak Talon / 15
Vaal Hazak Fang+ / 14
Vaal Hazak Tail / 14
Vaal Hazak Gem / 13
Vaal Hazak Carapace / 10
Vaal Hazak Membrane / 10

Plunderblade Rewards


Obtain Rate (%)
HRDeceased Scale / 45
Vaal Hazak Carapace / 30
Vaal Hazak Talon / 24
Vaal Hazak Gem / 1

Quests Where Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Appears

TypeQuest Name
Event★9 - The Deathly Quiet Curtain

All Quest Guides

Related Links

All Monster Guides

Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (12)

List of All Base Game Monsters

MHW (Base Game) Monsters

DeviljhoDiablosDodogamaGreat Girros
Great JagrasJyuratodusKirinKulu-Ya-Ku
Kulve TarothKushala DaoraLavasiothLegiana
UragaanVaal HazakXeno'jiivaZorah Magdaros

Colored Variants

Ancient LeshenAzure RathalosBlack DiablosPink Rathian

Arch-Tempered Elder Dragons

Arch-Tempered Great JagrasArch-Tempered KirinArch-Tempered Kulve TarothArch-Tempered Kushala Daora
Arch-Tempered LunastraArch-Tempered NergiganteArch-Tempered TeostraArch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (56)Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak
Arch-Tempered Xeno'jiivaArch-Tempered Zorah Magdaros

Monsters by Game

All Monsters by Game
Iceborne Monster Hunter World
Arch-Tempered Vaal Hazak Weakness and Strategy Guide | Monster Hunter World (MHW)|Game8 (2024)
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