People Are Sharing The Kind Strangers They'll Never Forget And I'm Blown Away By Some (2024)

2. "When I was a broke 18-year-old trying to make ends meet, I had a side-hustle providing households IT support. Mostly, I would set up computers for old people."

"This Korean gentleman hired me to set up his new computer for him. I spent an hour setting it up and teaching him how to use it, and two more hours eating a wonderful lunch with him and his wife. He wouldn't accept my invoice, and instead he paid me three times my hourly rate and asked me to come back next week.

Over the course of about a month I came back four times – each time I would do some work for him and he would prepare a lovely meal for me and tell me about his kids. By the end of the month he was pretty comfortable on the PC. I thanked him profusely for how kind he was and how much he'd overpaid me! He told me I reminded him of his son who was estranged for some reason. He said he hoped somewhere out there somebody was being kind to his son, and sharing a home cooked meal with him."


9. "I was by myself in a restaurant bathroom with my screaming newborn baby. As his cries intensified, I started to crumble knowing that we somehow had to walk all the way through the massive restaurant as the bathroom was tucked away in the back."

"A woman close to my age walked in. I apologized for the crying and she smiled and responded with 'don’t even worry about it'. On her way out, she walked up to me and my baby and asked if this was my first. I responded with yes. She wasn't a mom herself, but immediately she became empathetic to my situation.

After a few minutes of conversation, I told her that I was nervous about walking my crying baby through the busy restaurant. She looked at me and said, 'let’s get you out of here'. She then opened the door and walked behind me softly rooting me on all the way back to my table. She had no idea how much I needed her in that moment and I’m forever grateful."


16. "About nine years ago I got my first vehicle. First day on the road I decide to impress a girl by picking her up to go to the mall. We had a great time, and as we were going to leave she starts messing with my nether bits as I’m pulling out of the mall. I’m distracted, so I turn without even looking and BLAM."

"My truck was relatively undamaged, but the other guy's car was absolutely fucked. I start panicking as I hop out. I’m a big dude, I’ve always been large, but this guy is BIG. And I’m like, 'oh fuck, he is gonna beat my ass.'

I ask him if he's alright and then what to do. 'We call the police, that’s all'. In my head that means I’m going to jail or something, so I freak out and start crying, telling him, 'I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention'. Out of nowhere this man just grabs me in a huge hug. Like embraces me. Put his hand on the back of my head and says, 'bro, it’s all good. Calm down. It’s just a car, we pay out the ass for insurance for a reason. It’s just an item, everyone gonna walk away fine.' And the dude just kinda held me for a minute.

The police came and took statements. No tickets. He got his car towed and his girlfriend came and picked him up. Right before he got in her car, he looked back and said, 'pay attention, people die every day from carelessness. I’m glad to see you’re alright now.'

I will never forget that man, and I've made sure to bring his mentality into my future life."


17. "I was the closing cashier at a grocery store when a very tired looking lady came through. I'll never forget what she bought because she had a steak, and some seafood, and a frozen bag of Arby's fries."

"I was just trying to make light conversation when I said something along the lines of 'looks like a good time'. She just said in a hollow voice that it was the first thing she was eating in days because her son had just passed away and this is a meal he would have liked.

I talked to the lady and found out more about her son, he was around my age and had died of cancer. She went on her way, but she always would come back to my register whenever I was working. When I left the job, I told her it was my last day and she asked me for a hug. Never saw her again, but I think of her when I see Arby's fries and hope that she is doing okay."


People Are Sharing The Kind Strangers They'll Never Forget And I'm Blown Away By Some (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.